About the Eucharist
Our worship services follow the Episcopal Church framework…a set liturgical ceremony celebrated in every Episcopal or Anglican church throughout the world…based on The Book of Common Prayer with common prayers…common scripture readings based on the Lectionary…and common hymns. Our Worship centers around breaking bread with each other as Jesus did with his friends…we begin with The Word - readings from the Old Testament, the Psalms, the New Testament and reflections on the Word through a sermon or homily…followed by Common (meaning group prayers with congregation participation) Prayers for the church, the world and those dear to us…followed by wishing each other the Lord’s Peace…followed by presenting the fruits of our life and labor in Offering to God…followed by the Eucharist where we share in the gifts of God…and then we are “sent out of church” to transform Brewton.
Whoever you are, and wherever you are in your journey of faith, please know that you are welcome at the Lord's table.