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About Us

St. Stephen's Episcopal Church is a warm, welcoming, and inclusive community.  We love to welcome guests and newcomers to the church, and always extend our warmest welcome to everyone that walks into the door.  I hope that you can get a sense of who we are by this website.  But, please don't hesitate to call the office or to come on Sunday mornings to see for yourself.


The congregation of St. Stephen's finds worship and liturgy at the very core of its existence; the life of the church revolves around these activities.  We worship together at 10 am on Sundays with music and a choir.  After the service, we gather in the Parish Hall for coffee and a discussion on the readings and the sermon from the day.


If you have any questions about any ministries, or how to become a member.  Please don't hesitate to call the church office at (251)-367-4545 or email



The Reverend Carrie Wright, Rector

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